Craft Update, part deaux: Orycon

In addition to the kickstarter, new goats, and fuzzy cats that want me to be a lap all of the time, I’ve been making all sorts of stuff, and was a guest panelist at Orycon.

Orycon was great this year! I really enjoyed being part of the art show, on so many panels and getting to hang out with other artist friends and peers. I always find it inspiring. I even sold some stuff, and one of my eagle hunter mixd media pieces won a peoples choice award!

image eaglehunterasholpan


This was my display panel, and close-ups of my eagle hunter series. Both mixed media drawings are available ($400 each).




I also had a table space where I displayed a bunch of geeky ornaments, my felted dragon which won first prize at Oregon Flock and Fiber earlier this year, and my funky little metroid statues.

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