Month: March 2017

Experiments in Dyeing with Lichens

I’ve been collecting wind fall lichens around my yard and on hikes for several years now, so I finally decided to get off my butt and try dyeing with some. I’ve done chlorine tests on a few with mixed results, and eventually figured what the heck, I’ll just try some […]

Goats! Time for plucking and shearing

  It’s is officially the beginning of spring, and time to help my goats off with their winter coats. I have two goats right now, Sigma, a white Angora goat, and Marzipan, red and almond Cashmere goat. Angora goats, like Sigma, have long curly locks, and get sheared twice a […]

An Tir Kingdom Arts and Science Competition

Hi there, it’s been quite a while since I posted on my blog. Quite a while… but I have stuff to share, so here I am! I just returned from a Society for Creative Anachronism event that is my “local” kingdom’s arts championship, which I won! I am planning on […]